- $6,000 each – The loaded mile fee is $10 per mile to your site, The dead head mileage from your site to Luana Iowa is $3 per mile. The deadhead for the movers to go to this site which is 50 miles away is $3 a mile. One Certified Escort with Height pole is estimated @ $300 per day
- Read this carefully. on moving them. The fees are $9,400 to start before the building stats to move to your site . * Raise building/Split in to/Get ready to transport= $3,200 *Lower building/Attach back together/Set into place= $3,200 * Remove Corridor= $800 * Labor, Fiberglass materials, Misc., materials, Estimated= $2,000. *6 New anchors, bolts & strapping= $200
- These corridors connect all the units
- As you can see there is a 12 foot wide section and a 14 foot wide section when they move them.
- Located in Spring Grove, MN 55974
- I will have the building plans in a view days and will add more descriptions.